Animal Aromatherapy is a holistic approach to animal health.

It is NOT a substitution for veterinarian consultation though it can be a current approach to health when not getting results.

It utilizes the therapeutic use of natural essential oils to restore or maintain homeostasis, the proper balance and well-being of your dog or cat.

It is a natural solution to toxic chemicals.

Aromatherapy can help increase the overall quality of life for your animal.

Empowers you to save money in the process!

Safety is my top priority when using essential oils with animals.

Shelayne Fico

Clinical Aromatherapist

Animal Aromatherapist

"Because they look to you for their health."

Janet Roark, DVM


Trooper and Luna had been together for about nine months.
Trooper was adopted as a kitten and Luna was very accepting, almost mothering him.
Their “mommy” shared how both cats started showing signs of anxiety almost overnight. 
Trooper started playing more aggressively with Luna. 
Luna became highly stressed, more insecure and licked herself aggressively
When I visited for the consultation Luna hung around for just a bit.  She was very leery and hid upstairs. 
This was very unusual as I know both these kitties very well. 
Trooper was very accepting of the oils during the self-selection process (see video below).
I showed “mommy” how she could do the self-selection with Luna later when she was calmer.
I left a diffuser and a few oil samples that I felt would be beneficial in reducing stress levels. 
Their mommy texted the following the next day: 
“I tried out the smell test with Luna… she smelled both but no reaction after that.
Trooper however came over and wanted to play with the lavender bottle. “
She started diffusing the lavender essential oil and later texted to say:
‘Lavender is helping, she is not as stressed.”
I went over 2 weeks later, and Luna was back to her happy self!

Trooper (L) and Luna (R)

Luna back to her happy self. ♥

"Aromatherapy has gone to the dogs...and cats...and horses."

— Kristin Leigh Bell Master, Aromatherapist, Author


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Healthy Oils For All ©

All rights reserved 2025

Disclaimer: I am not a veterinarian, canine/animal nutritionist, or dog trainer. The statements found throughout this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this website is based on opinions and facts that I have found to be true from many years of personal experience, research gathered from books, courses and online articles and case studies. The products mentioned or statements made, are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided does not replace medical advice given to you by your veterinarian or doctor. If an animal (or human) you know has a medical health condition, I encourage you to contact a health care professional.